A pregnant pause

I have no idea why I haven’t posted for so long, nothing I can put my finger on anyway, but I do know that I have no intention of giving the blog up; I know this may come as a bit of a disappointment to some, I’m sorry, but I intend to carry on and this is my attempt to get the ball rolling again.

I had the best intentions of walking you around Jersey, taking in the views and discovering the history of the German occupation in the 1940’s, alas I didn’t really get out much. I borrowed the occasional dog to take for walks, always returning them in one piece and occasionally without the owners knowledge, but even then time or the weather  conspired against me; pictures of hidden German bunkers, beaches and the slowly disappearing countryside will have to stay in my memory.

The work at the garage had it’s moments and I managed to get involved in some of the projects that the boss had lined up for me, including a stint as Santa during the run up to Christmas! Although setting up a website (blog) for the garage was probably more in my comfort zone; a lot more content required, but the scene is set for the garage to play on the internet stage.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the Mr Men; Chatty, Clever, Small and Strong, not to mention Little Miss Sunshine, all of whom made my stay and work in Jersey less of a chore and more of a pleasure than I could have hoped for.

My trip back home to Poland was without event, which surprised me considering the disruption that the weather is causing in the UK at the moment. I did stop off in Yorkshire on-route to say hello to family and to help me to acclimatise to the sub zero temperatures ahead of me; it’s always good to catch up the the goings on in the Dales and finding out first hand what my sisters and nephews are up to beyond their status updates on Facebook.

So here I am, back in the land of snow and ice, although since my arrival the outdoor thermostat has been turned up and the winter covering has all but melted away; hat and gloves remain in my pocket as I walk the dogs over a wet and muddy landscape with only the occasional white scar deep in the irrigation ditches that cross cross the fields. I am secretly hoping that winter is over and work can resume on the house sooner rather than later and of course the lack of the white stuff will make the dash to the hospital, any day now, so much safer and easier!

Not been with Gosia for such a long time was a bit of a struggle and on seeing her and her bump on my arrival at the airport I was truly amazed at the change over the last four months; despite the fact that we spoke and saw each other every day via Skype, I didn’t seem to be prepared. I hope I am for the next stage!

As the day draws nearer I do kind of wonder how I am going to cope, although I’m not overly worried, as Gosias confidence about bringing up baby will pull me through, I just have to remember to do as I’m told and make sure my nappy skills are up to scratch!

Talking of nappies, as one does, we have made the decision to go with the reusable type. Now  I know this won’t come as a surprise to some of you and it’s hardly a news worthy item to mention without getting all eco on you; I’ll leave that for another post. But I did feel that the composting toilet subject hasn’t graced the pages of the blog for quite a while now and so the nappies have to get a mention, as all of that goodness will be collected in biodegradable liners and popped on the pile of poop ready to propagate the peas of the future. I did propose running a separate pile to see if baby compost was better at growing tomatoes than adult humanure, but the look on Gosias face was reason enough not to go down this route; getting more excited about baby poo than the baby herself is a big no no!

And that’s it for now, my first post in quite a while, a bit erratic with no real theme running through it, but a post non the less. This mornings sowing of chilli seeds may get a post of it’s own later today as I would like to go back to the roots of the blog and document some of the things we are doing to doing to become more self sufficient. Mind you I also need to catch up with a few of my blogging friends, it’s been a while and I have some reading to do.

Author: Eddy Winko

Left the rat race to live a less hectic and harmful life. From the building of a straw bale house to the composting toilet diaries; read my blog https://winkos.wordpress.com/

16 thoughts on “A pregnant pause”

  1. Hey Eddy, good to have you back, and to know you are back with Gosia and her (your) growing bump! Don’t have kids myself to offer advice, but remember my mum using words like ‘scrape’ and ‘green’ appealingly in relation to real nappies. Despite this, my sister decided to go for real, invested in new big washing machine, tumble drier and shelled out £400 for the complete nappy supply. Unfortunately, my nephew got a rash due the slightly heavier/damper nappies, no matter the lining. They had to be abandoned for disposables, and baby was happy! Not been blogging myself for a bit, been too busy, but am building up to a post….

    1. Good to be back and catching up, I think I have a few of your posts still to read and as the rain comes down and we play the waiting game here in Poland I’m sure I’ll be settling down and eating your tasty words.
      I hope the nappies do work, although thankfully the investment was closer to £100; easily recouped if you consider the cost of compost 🙂

  2. Eddy, your determination and passion that you show for your life right now is all the reassurance that is necessary to realize that you will be a GREAT father! My family began when my wife and I were very young, so I’m way ahead of you on this one (14 year old son!) but I have a hunch you’re going to be effortlessly awesome! Follow Gosia’s lead and directions and you’ll do swimmingly, as she already knows what to do!

    Welcome back Eddy, and bring on the Spring, eh?

    1. That’s uncanny, I have just visited you blog after such a long break, no doubt as you are reading mine!
      Thank you for your kind words of reassurance, I’ll report back and let you know if you are right or not, in 18 years time 🙂

  3. Glad to see you back. When I hadn’t seen any posts for awhile, I nosed around Beetleypete’s blog to see if you were commenting. Pete always has some great comments on your blog, so it’s great that you’re posting again.

    I have a feeling you’re going to love your little daughter. I remember my daughter starring at me when she was so small. She just looked right into my soul. Before you know it, she will be Daddy’s little girl, helping you around the place and being a joy to live with. Wow, just think of all the post material. You’ve got to get a video camera, bro!

    1. Good to be back Pat and great to catch up with all my blogging friends.
      Any day now, valentines day is a possibility but so is in the next half hour 🙂 I’ll keep you all posted.
      All the best, Eddy, Gosia and bump.
      I opted for a fancy new phone in the end with video, so be prepared 🙂

    1. Thank you Toni and good to hear fro you, I have enjoyed catching up with your posts and seeing how you are getting on in Peru; great pictures and comment; keep up the good work 🙂

  4. I was wondering what was happening . . . as for the nappies, I am reminded of a Mr. Boffo cartoon about new father; the punchline reads:

    “Hon, come quick! The baby is all covered in mud!”

    Good luck.

    1. Hope you’re managing to keep warm, I can’t believe how warm it is down here in the south, almost 10ºc yesterday. Good to be back and looking forward to catching up.

  5. Great to see you back where you belong Eddy, both in Poland, and on the Blog.
    I had missed considering Humanure for a while. (OK, not THAT much, admittedly) What I know of babies, from my days in the LAS, you certainly would not want what comes out of their nappies hanging around too long mate.
    Hope it all goes swimmingly with the arrival of the Winkette, and I look forward to a lot more catching up soon. (Solarbeez will be pleased to see you back too.)
    Best wishes to you both, as always, Pete.

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