Goating and riding around in 2022 (part 1)

Where to start after more than a year without posting? A look back over the last year, a list of hopes and dreams for the future or just an unstructured ramble as is my habit? 🙂

I should start with the children, yes, they are still here. I haven’t shipped them off to boarding school (in my dreams) or worked them to the point of exhaustion (it’s a struggle to get them to empty the dishwasher) nor have we moved to a new house whilst they were at school, home schooling put a stop to that idea!

Truth be told they have just got taller, more independent, talkative, inquisitive and annoying 🙂 Fortunately, despite becoming grumpier, I have also become more patient as I have got older, I just wish I had a bit more energy, but then don’t we all?

Thankfully as they age they are more inclined to play with each other (80% of the time) without fighting too much and they have developed a common love of horses.

Luckily Gosia supplies a nearby stable with soaps which they sell as souvenirs and this has become a handy exchange for horse riding lessons, which is where they spent their summer weekends. Unluckily this love of horses has turned into the new expectation. Try as I might to discourage the idea of getting a horse\pony I fear I am outnumbered, given that Gosia also quite likes the idea.

So this year I will be building a stable.

Now to be honest it’s not all bad, as it fits in with the bigger plans that we have, in fact I don’t mind at all as long as I’m not the one left mucking out at the end of every day. This I have made clear. The thirteen goats that we have, soon to be twenty, provide enough crap for one man to deal with. But it is due to this planned expansion that I had already taken steps to build a shelter for the farm equipment and drying area for the various plants that we now grow to compliment the cosmetics, which in turn freed up space in the barn for the extra goats and potentially a small horse. As with most things nothing is planned around here, it just happens, so I have probably said too much already.


One thing I do know for sure is that we will be planting out the top field with more lavender this year after the success of the four rows that we planted last year. I’m hoping I find a picture as it’s hard to describe, but we have essentially set aside around a half hectare (1 ¼ acres) for lavender along with some space for other botanicals for Gosia cosmetics.

Ok, not such a good picture, the four rows of plants are pruned for the winter, but we did learn that red deer do not eat lavender, although our goats do like to rub their horns on the plants, no doubt trying to improve their aroma, so fencing or hedging is also on the cards this year.

I just noticed I’m probably pushing your attention span, so this is to be continued tomorrow….. 🙂

Author: Eddy Winko

Left the rat race to live a less hectic and harmful life. From the building of a straw bale house to the composting toilet diaries; read my blog https://winkos.wordpress.com/

33 thoughts on “Goating and riding around in 2022 (part 1)”

  1. Oh my! I am just delighted you are back in the saddle…sorry, poor pun to use at this time. 🙂 You do know what they say about horses, don’t you? The same thing they say about goats as you well found out…They are like potato chips..and you know the rest of the quote! :))
    The girls are annoyingly darling!

    1. Thank you, I have to admit I had this last structure built for me, although I did the roof myself. The sudden rise in the coats of materials stopped me planking out three sides, but that will happen this spring. It looks like I missed a few of your posts so I look forward to catching up soon 🙂

  2. Awesome hearing from you and learning everyone is doing fine . . . despite mucking about in goat crap. As for adding horses . . . it’s good to diversify crap.

    Seriously, best wishes for 2022 and beyond.

    1. I think you’re a bit too busy enjoying life and family to worry about reading or listening to my stuff. I wouldn’t bother if I were you.

      Take care, stay safe, and happy 2022 to you and yours.

  3. (1) Great job on that shelter! Coincidentally, I thought building a fancy shelter like that today, but have settled on making spaghetti for lunch.
    (2) Do your kids know there’s a boarding school in your dreams? Have you thought about plugging them into the Matrix instead? Actually, enjoy your kids while they’re young. They grow up fast!
    (3) It sounds like Gosia’s soap business is doing well. Has she thought about creating products for bathing horses?
    (4) “Lavender” is a 2016 film. It tells a ghost (not Gosia) story that involves a farmhouse.
    (5) I’m looking forward to part two, unless you skip it and go straight to part three. (Touch and Go sang a song called “Straight to…Number One” in which they skip a few steps.)
    (6) Your life seems to be one big adventure! (My life is full of small adventures…like going to the mailbox now and then to pick up the junk mail.)

  4. Good to see you back! Mucking stalls is the best way for little girls to spend their time. We just moved to a small city after 22 years on a small farm. Looking back, this was a great foundation for our two daughters that are now all grown up. (still annoying).

    1. haha, and I was hoping the annoying bit would wear off 🙂 How are you finding the city? I know you have travelled a fair bit, I must check in more often and find out. Thank for popping by 🙂

    1. And good to hear from you too, I loved the progress report on your house and hope that you are all settled in now? I must pop back and leave a comment 🙂

  5. What it feels like ….. is that you never left for a year. You just came inside to clean up/wash up from the muckety-muck and relax with friends. We’re always hear to listen/read about your amazing life.

  6. Great to see you back! Is that a new tractor? And a Japanese one to boot! I agree with Fraggle. One horse will become three, then four if they want you to ride with them. You had better make friends with the local blacksmith soon.
    Cheers, Pete.

    1. Yes we managed to find a replacement tractor after the fire at the mechanics. Poor bloke didn’t have insurance but he came up with some cash and we called it quits. I am now the proud owner of a 1984 Mitsubishi MTE2000d 🙂 Two horses will be the limit!

  7. Lovely to see the girls, so pretty even if annoying 🤣 you know one horse won’t be enough, they’ll both need one! Glad Gosia Cosmetics is going so well too! Did you get my email just before Christmas BTW?

    1. I had a quick look and fear you may have been deleted in a purge by accident. Sorry 😦 And you are right about the horses, two is the number that everyone seems to be using in conversation, I just keep blocking it out 🙂

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